As a realtor, you are constantly juggling multiple tasks and responsibilities, from showings and open houses to client meetings and paperwork. With so much on your plate, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and struggle to manage your time effectively. However, with the right strategies and tools, you can streamline your schedule and make the most of every minute.
In this day and age, there are many different things that can distract you from your work. But if you want to be a successful realtor, it’s important that you learn how to manage your time effectively. That way, you can focus on the tasks at hand without getting sidetracked by other things that don’t matter as much. In this article, I’ll show you some tips for managing time in order to get more done and be more efficient for clients.
Evaluate your current time management strategies.

The first step in developing a time management strategy is to understand your current time management habits. Take some time to evaluate how you spend your days, and think about what works well, as well as where there might be room for improvement.
There are many different styles of time management; here are some examples:
- The “Do it all” style- This person wants everything done right now, so they multitask as much as possible. They may feel like they’re getting things done quickly and efficiently, but this inevitably leads to stress, burnout, or mistakes because the brain can only handle so much at once (and often less than we think).
- The “Hit-or-Miss” style–This person tends toward procrastination; when something has been on their mind long enough without being taken care of yet (usually due to lack of motivation), then suddenly becomes urgent enough that action must be taken immediately! This type tends towards extremes in terms of productivity levels which makes it difficult for them not only to make plans ahead but also follow through with those plans once decided upon because their moods fluctuate drastically throughout each day depending on whether something else came up unexpectedly requiring attention before planned activities could be completed successfully.”
Eliminate wasted time.

- What is wasted time? It’s the stuff you do that doesn’t contribute to your bottom line or the quality of your life, but you do it anyway because it’s easy and convenient. Examples include:
- Making coffee in the morning instead of getting up 15 minutes earlier and making a pot before work;
- Checking email when at home during evenings or weekends;
- Taking calls from clients while driving in the car (this is illegal in some states).
Develop an organized filing system, both physical and digital.
An organized filing system is one of the most important parts of your day-to-day business operations. It helps you find the information you need quickly, and it’s essential if you have many clients or listings.
In addition to having an overall digital filing system, create physical files for each client or listing (or both) so that all their records are in one place when needed. You can also use color-coded folders for easy identification: blue for current clients; pink for expired/sold listings; yellow for new leads; green for contracts signed but not yet closed…and so on!
Delegate tasks to others who can handle them.
Delegate tasks to others who can handle them.
As a real estate agent, you have many responsibilities and duties. Some of these tasks can be delegated to other people who are better at them than you are. For example, if your assistant knows how to use social media marketing tools like Facebook and Twitter, then it would be beneficial for him/her to manage those accounts instead of having them sit dormant in your inbox or on your dashboard update page (if they are even there).
Delegating helps save time but also ensures that important work gets done correctly without any mistakes on behalf of yourself or someone else in the office!
Be specific with employees and co-workers about what you need from them and when you need it!
The first step to being efficient is being clear about what you need from others. When you’re working with co-workers or employees, be specific about when they should have something done. This helps eliminate any confusion that could lead to unnecessary delays and lost productivity.
In addition, don’t be afraid to ask for help when it’s needed! If someone has a skill set that would help speed up your project or make things go more smoothly, let them know! You might even consider delegating tasks like scheduling appointments and answering phone calls so that this person can focus on other tasks instead of taking care of small details all day long (and then not getting anything done).
To-do lists are your best friend.

To-do lists are your best friend. They help you stay organized and keep your priorities straight, allowing you to see what needs to be done and when it needs to be done.
By creating a daily To Do List, you’ll know exactly what tasks need to be completed each day of the week. This will allow for better time management as well as make sure nothing falls through the cracks!
Set reminders to help you stay focused on a task until you’re finished with it.
- Use a calendar or to-do list. A calendar can be helpful in keeping track of appointments and meetings, but it’s even better if you use it to set reminders for yourself. Add these reminders at the beginning of the day so they don’t interfere with your productivity later on in the afternoon or evening. You can also use a digital planner that syncs with your phone or computer–this way when an alert pops up on your screen, there’s no question about whether or not you need to attend an appointment (or write down something important).
- Set timers throughout the day as needed so that tasks stay on track without getting off-course due to distraction or procrastination. For example: “I’ll spend 30 minutes working on this project before taking lunch.” Or even better: “When my timer goes off at 12:30 PM sharp (or whatever time), I’ll take my break from work and go eat lunch.” This way there won’t be any confusion about when exactly things start happening; instead, everything happens according to plan!
Embrace time blocking.
Time blocking is a time management technique where you set aside specific time for each task. It’s a great way to maximize your productivity by focusing on one thing at a time and eliminating distractions.
Time Blocking Example:
- You have 3 hours between appointments, so you decide to use this time for administrative tasks like emailing or making phone calls. You set aside 30 minutes for each task, which leaves you with 2 hours left over (3 hours – 1 hour).
- During the first 30 minutes of your block, focus only on administrative work related tasks such as answering emails or making phone calls; don’t allow yourself any distractions like checking social media sites or text messages since these will take away from the effectiveness of this block period! After completing those tasks within that 30-minute interval, move on to another block period dedicated solely towards other activities such as researching properties online using Zillow, etc., writing notes down in your notebook, etc.
Reduce emails and meetings as much as possible.
The biggest time wasters are emails and meetings, so you’ll want to reduce these as much as possible.
- Use email automation: You can set up automated responses for common questions, which will help you reduce the amount of time spent answering repetitive emails.
- Use a meeting scheduler: If you use Outlook or Google Calendar (or another scheduling tool), create a recurring event called “Meeting.” Then add all meetings into this calendar- even if they’re not with clients or prospects- so they’re on your radar when it’s time for them to happen. This way, when people ask if you have time for lunch or coffee during normal working hours, everyone knows where everyone else stands so no one has any surprises later on in their schedules.* Set aside specific times for emailing/meeting: Don’t try to do both at once! Schedule specific blocks of time each day where nothing else matters except answering emails and scheduling meetings with potential clients/prospects.* Use phone calls instead of emails: If possible (and appropriate), talk instead of writing down messages; talking saves time by eliminating back-and-forth communication between sender and recipient
Have all your shared content with a buyer in one place, even their recorded feedback on properties
Spaces: When each buyer has their own space where you have shared listings and other information with them and they have shared their feedback/comments in form of moments with you, it becomes easier for you to keep a tab of requirements from each client. This will simplify your life.
Moments: Imagine how great it would be if the buyers remembered everything they liked about your offering. This is exactly what they can do if you texted/emailed them a link to fullfeel Moments. When they click on this link on their mobile device, they can capture the video of everything they like as well as add their own comments. They can keep turning it on and off during the site visit and fullfeel Moments automatically stitches it all into a single video. With fullfeel Moments, your buyers will be able to recall every detail that they cared for without mixing them up with other site visits.
All of these steps should help you be more successful for your clients.
By following the steps above, you will be able to manage your time more efficiently and become more productive. This will lead to greater success for yourself and your clients. You’ll be able to spend more time helping them find their dream homes, which will earn you repeat business and referrals. You can also use this method when planning events or marketing materials such as brochures or flyers!
Being able to manage your own schedule better, it frees up time so that other things don’t get pushed aside because they aren’t “a priority.” You’ll be able to focus on the things that matter most without worrying about missing other things along the way (like appointments).
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It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day tasks of running a business, but it’s also important to take time for yourself. Make sure you’re taking care of your health and making time for friends and family. You can even find new hobbies that will help keep your mind clear while also giving yourself something enjoyable to look forward to each day!